BBS(BBC for the item. Please tell us your wishes.)

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Hide threads of this topic Adultbaby footed sleepers (Onesies)  By Mikey     # 15

Hi all, I keep hoping someone will make an identical version of a Snugabye or Carters sleeper for adults.. There’s also Bonds Wonder suites Australia, love them… Cheers 😊🙏

Re TO Mr,Mikey  By Baby Angel     # 22

I do not know if it is possible to produce it. We will consider it, but .....

Hide threads of this topic Omutsu Pants  By Mikey     # 16

Hi all again lol, Hey What happened to Omutsu Pants from Japan, can’t find them…


Re TO Mr,Mikey  By Baby Angel     # 21

Item registered.
Thank you as always.

Hide threads of this topic Possible offerings.  By Henry     # 11

BabyAngel☆2025年 お楽しみ福袋 I'd like these options as well if possible.

Re To. Mr.Henry  By Baby Angel     # 13

I don't know what's in the secret bag, is it ok?
Yes, it is.
I'll consider it.

Re Yes  By Henry     # 17

It wouldn't be a secret then would it? ;)

Re To. Mr.Henry  By Baby Angel     # 19

After all, it is difficult to do so abroad. I am sorry.

Re I get it  By Henry     # 20

That's okay, I completely understand. Just keep this site up to date if you can. I like the items that you sell.

Hide threads of this topic Please Update This Site more Often  By Henry     # 12

I am requesting you to update the new items more often. The Japanese website gets new items every week.

Re To. Mr.Henry  By Baby Angel     # 14

Are you looking forward to our updates?
I see that updates have been slow lately.
Sorry about that.
I will try to update.

Re I appreciate it  By Henry     # 18

Thank you!

Hide threads of this topic Shipping  By Anonymous     # 9

Any plans to ship to Israel? Preferably via Japan Post

Re TO.Anonymous  By by Baby Angel     # 10

It appears that some areas cannot be shipped.
Some areas
All areas (except GAZA (Zip code: P840-P899), KHAN YUNIS (P930-P969), NORTH GAZA (P800-P839), RAFAH (P970-P999))

Hide threads of this topic diaper cover fluffy  By andy     # 7

Adult baby diaper cover fluffy quilt waterproof cake pattern
in XL and XXL please
also the one with PVC plastic inside in XXL

Re To.andy  By Baby Angel     # 8

This diaper cover is only available in S.
Here are some images of other diaper covers.
I will send them to you by e-mail.

Hide threads of this topic No title  By Request     # 4

Just XL to large sizes would be great. There is a large market for these items. These things aren't available in most of the world.

Re To.Mr,Request  By Baby Angel     # 6

OK,Thank you.^^

Hide threads of this topic Diaper covers  By Henry     # 3

I would like more options for diaper covers with belts in the large, xl, and xxl sizes.

Re TO.Mr,Henry  By Baby Angel     # 5

OK,Thank you.

Hide threads of this topic To,Mr.Brian  By Baby Angel     # 2

iThank you as always.
We have no plans at this time, but will consider it.

Hide threads of this topic onesie romper for adults.  By Brian Braun     # 1

I was hoping that you people could work on improving the neck line, changing it to a lap shoulder with trim, , more like an infant's onesie?

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